Annex 1: text of ITU bulletin
With the agreement of the Administration of the Republic of Serbia, the Director of TSB has assigned the following international codes to Kosovo:
E.164 Code (as defined in Recommendation ITU-TE. 164 section 4.1): 383
E.212 Code (as defined in Recommendation ITU-TE. 212 section 3.3): 221
Q.708 signalling area network code (SANC): 7-214
The Activation dates of these codes and the transition from the currently-used codes to these assigned codes will be advised later.
Annex 2: text of Austrian letter to the ITU
Dear Secretary-General,
In the framework of the EU-facilitaded Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, I have the honour of requesting, on behalf of Serbia and Kosovo, that the International Telecommunications Union begins the process of allocating a 3 digit dial code to Kosovo.
As part of the aforementioned dialogue,the Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia reached an agreement in Septembar 2013 that Kosovo should be allocated a 3 digit dial code, in line with the standards and principles and timetable of the ITU. Both sides also agreed that a mutually accepted modality would be found regarding this process, with EU facilitation as necessary. I would like to inform you that this mutually accepted modality be that the Republic of Austria requests this code for Kosovo.
I would be grateful if you could proceed, as quickly as possible, to allocate one of the two unallocated codes (+383 or +384) for use by the Kosovo authorities. I would also be grateful if you could confirm that the ITU bulletin has been published.
Yours sincerely,
Annex 3: denomination of Kosovo in the ITU's technical annexes
In the technical annexes to the ITU's bulletins, Kosovo will be referred to as Kosovo* with the footnote "This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in the line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence."